Cold Hands Met by Warm Hearts

A Donor Becomes a Client
Ms. Andrea is a single mom. She could be your neighbor, and she’s a donor to the Fuel Fund of Maryland. When she fell upon difficult times, the Fuel Fund was there to help.
After Ms. Andrea lost her job due to company downsizing, she tried to make ends meet for herself and a child with a life-threatening chronic illness, with just unemployment benefits. A week before Christmas 2017, her unemployment benefits were cut unexpectedly and she had no income or financial support.
“I had been unemployed for six months, working hard to get a job,” she said. “I never thought I would be in this position, and now I had to worry about losing my home and keeping my family safe and protected along with our two dogs in an extreme cold winter. The meteorologists were talking about ‘polar vortex’ and ‘arctic freeze.’ I was scared,” added Ms. Andrea.
To stay warm, they hovered in one room with layers of clothes and jackets, and a small electric heater. Buying heating oil for the home was not an option when there wasn’t enough money to put food on the table. One day, a friend reminded her that she was a donor to the Fuel Fund of Maryland and she should call for assistance. She called, and two tanks of oil were delivered – ensuring her family was safe during their time of need.
“To me, this was like a miracle – a prayer being answered,” exclaimed Ms. Andrea. “You just don’t know what it is like to be without heat until you experience it for yourself. It is one thing to manage and work through tough times by and for yourself, but when other lives depend on you it is one of the most devastating feelings you can have.”
Ms. Andrea and her family found warmth during the coldest time of the year, thanks to the donors and supporters of the Fuel Fund of Maryland. Today, Ms. Andrea has a new job and her child and pets are doing well.
“I will always be grateful to the Fuel Fund of Maryland. You allowed me to concentrate on life and living instead of worrying about surviving," said Ms. Andrea.
Winter is quickly approaching and more of our vulnerable neighbors will be struggling to make ends meet. Donate today: